Welcome to Young Eagles with EAA 166!
As of August 22, 2022, Chapter 166 has flown 1,336 Young Eagles in the last 30 years.
Our first Young Eagles Rally for 2025 is planned for Saturday, June 7. Standby for more details.

Ever wondered what your neighborhood looks like from the sky? Or maybe you’re curious how airplanes even work. You might even dream about being a pilot.
If you’re nodding your head “Yes” and are between the ages of 8 and 17, you’re ready to take a free Young Eagles flight and see what real pilots do on the ground and in the air.
Since 1992, more than 2 million Young Eagles have enjoyed a flight from EAA’s network of volunteer pilots! For many, it was the start of their journey to becoming a pilot, aircraft mechanic, air traffic controller, or many other career possibilities.
A registration form must be filled out and signed by the Young Eagle’s parent or guardian at the time the flight takes place.
The Young Eagles Objectives:
1. Educate young people about the world of aviation and the thrill of flying!
2. Provide young people with an opportunity to gain new perspectives on their community, their lives and the world in which they live.
3. Raise awareness of aviation career possibilities.
4. Help young people understand the knowledge necessary to become a pilot.
Young Eagles Recognition
Each Young Eagle participant receives an official Young Eagle Flight Certificate, signed by the pilot, following their flight experience. The name of each participant is then entered into the “World’s Largest Logbook,” which is on permanent display at the EAA Air Adventure Museum in Oskosh, WI and can be searched on line at the EAA website.
World’s Largest Logbook.
If you are already a Young Eagle and want to know what’s next, visit the EAA National Young Eagle website YOUNG EAGLES for more information.